Saturday, October 30, 2004

Blah, Blah, Vote Blah, Blah, Blah

Finally, it's all winding down. The lies, mudslinging, & name smearing will end. And besides the World Series ending (Yay Red Sox), the election season is also coming to a close, and not a moment too soon. I think I've heard enough BS from both sides for a while. It's getting to a point I don't know who to believe. Hell these last few weeks I've been tuning them all out. I'd much rather a test pattern.

Since I've voted by mail I'm done, all I can do now is sit back & hang on for the ride. I think the real fun will be finding out which state will be the "controversal" state this year. Rumors are it's going to be Hawaii this year, since they are the last to report their results (plus all those lawyers & people that will have to recount the votes can then take in the sights & vaction afterwards). Oh and when I say hang on for the ride I mean it, the cable channel I work for is going to do coverage untill it's completely over. My shift is going to be 8pm - 4am........ugh. I think I'll start drinking coffee now.

Which ever way it goes it's also sounding like it wil be a record turnout of voters this year also. Kinda sad that the reason is that last time was so controversal (and stolen depending on how you look at it).

Which ever you political compass pulls you, get out & vote (for Kerry), vote early...and vote often.


The views in Lord Moon's blog do not reflect the views of Lord Moon.

Saturday, October 23, 2004


Hello blog world. I shall be the next in the huge sea of blogs. Will anyone notice?