Saturday, November 13, 2004

A Strange Disconnected World

Ever feel like you're disconected from the world?

That's the way I've been feeling lately. Ever since graduating high school I have been engaged in something that keeps me busy. First it was the Army, then I went to collage, & then straight out of collage into a job. When I was let go last year I though, no biggy, I'll finally take some time off of sorts & just relax, since I rarely took vactions or time off. Then a few months into unemployment I realized that jobs are hard to find & got a little worried. I ended up going to the last check from unemployment before I finally found a job.

Now I love this job. I work Northwest Cable News, sort of a CNN for the northwest. But it's part-time, so I work the weekends & the rest of the week I'm off. Now during the summer it wasn't bad because I freelance with another company (that does concert setups) so I keep busy & had enough money coming in. Now with winter coming the concert season is over & I have less & less work, & less & less money.

So during the week I have nothing to do. I'd take up a hobby of some sort, but that would require some money to invest & I don't have any, gotta keep a roof over my head & bills paid.

So I feel disconnected. Just don't know what to do with myself. There is only so much video gaming & TV watching a person can do. And this feeling seems to be even hightened since the election.

I don't know, hopefully it will pass. With the holidays coming up I'll probably work a bit more with people going on vaction & I expect that since I'm the new guy I'll probably work the holidays themselves.


Life rolls on & so will I.

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