Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Life is a sprint... through sticky, heavy mud.

Hey look I have my old blog I can post this to.

Tired, stressed, and can't wait for this year to be over.  Frankly I'm surprised I haven't crawled up into a bottle or two of rum with a carton of Marlboro's.  Credit to sheer will power and the Army's version of AA.

To those that are bearing witness, thank you for your help and kind words.  It will be passing soon.

To those I have promised to do things with, but forgot.  Hang in there while I slog through the mud.  My brain may be fried from all the stress, but I am trying to keep up.

To those that have no clue as to what I'm talking about.  I'm private and quiet about most of my life.  It comes from being bounced around from school to school, always being the new kid.  Hell I'm surprised I'm writing this.

I know I'm at my lowest point right now.  The only thing that is keeping me going is knowing that I have taken steps to put everything in the right direction.